Yoink for Mac - App Preview Video 1

YoinkforMac.SimplifiesdraganddropbetweenSpacesandfullscreenapps.$8.99.,而「Yoink」App在你的Mac上就像一個「檔案暫存區」,你想要的檔案、照片都可以先放在這個暫存區裡,重點是暫存區的檔案使用完畢後,就自動刪除了,你不用 ...,評分4.8(4,329)Yoinksimplifi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download Yoink for Mac

Yoink for Mac. Simplifies drag and drop between Spaces and fullscreen apps. $8.99.

M1 Mac 推薦App -「 Yoink 」

而「 Yoink 」App 在你的Mac 上就像一個「檔案暫存區」,你想要的檔案、照片都可以先放在這個暫存區裡,重點是暫存區的檔案使用完畢後,就自動刪除了,你不用 ...

Yoink - Better Drag and Drop on the Mac App Store

評分 4.8 (4,329) Yoink simplifies and improves drag and drop between windows, apps, spaces and fullscreen apps, by providing a temporary shelf for your files and app-content.

Yoink 3.6.97 文件临时存放站- 精品MAC应用分享

Yoink 是一款对于小屏幕很实用的文件拖放中转工具,它会在你屏幕的左侧中间地带(可以设置成右侧)生成一个专门临时存放文件的抽屉,在拖放的时候你可以将 ...

Yoink for Mac

Simplify and improve drag and drop on your Mac and speed up your daily workflow. Free Trial. Requires macOS 10.12 Sierra or newer.

Yoink for Mac Download

Yoink helps by making drag-and-drop between Spaces or full-screen apps easier. Every time you start dragging a file, Yoink fades in a tiny window on the ...

Yoink for Mac, iPad and iPhone

Eternal Storms Software Sitemap Home / Apps Yoink for Mac Yoink for iPad and iPhone ScreenFloat Transloader Glimpses flickery SiriMote

Yoink on Setapp

評分 99% (1,589) · US$9.99 Yoink is a drag-and-drop utility for Mac that moves files, apps, and anything that can be dragged to their destinations. It acts like a shelf where you can ...

[Mac] Yoink 永久使用檔案的臨時暫存區軟體工具Apple macOS

評分 5.0 (166) 而「 Yoink 」App 在你的Mac 上就像一個「檔案暫存區」,你想要的檔案、照片都可以先放在這個暫存區裡,重點是暫存區的檔案使用完畢後,就自動刪除了,你不用再去整理那些下載 ...

在Mac App Store 上的「Yoink - Better Drag and Drop」

評分 4.9 (430) Yoink simplifies and improves drag and drop between windows, apps, spaces and fullscreen apps, by providing a temporary shelf for your files and ...


YoinkforMac.SimplifiesdraganddropbetweenSpacesandfullscreenapps.$8.99.,而「Yoink」App在你的Mac上就像一個「檔案暫存區」,你想要的檔案、照片都可以先放在這個暫存區裡,重點是暫存區的檔案使用完畢後,就自動刪除了,你不用 ...,評分4.8(4,329)Yoinksimplifiesandimprovesdraganddropbetweenwindows,apps,spacesandfullscreenapps,byprovidingatemporaryshelfforyourfilesandapp-content.,Yoink是一款对于小屏幕很实用...